lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Prejudice in Favor of New England

Abigail Andams wrote this letter advicing her husband, John Adams who lived in France, everything that occured in the colonies, in this letter Abigail tells him there was Prejudice in favor of New England telling him that institutions in New England support religion more than any other colony, Monopolies of land were prevented,also writing that New England had it's own territorial division, also Education was improve, the main point of this letter was to make John Adams know everything that happened in New England.

Appealing to Reason: "Our laws for the disatribution of intestates estates occasions a frequent division of landed property and prevents Monopolies of Land."

Appealing to Reason: "The mpublic institutions in New England for the education of youth, supporting colledges at the public Expence and obliging Towns to mantain Grammar schools"

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Refuting Patrick Henry

I belive that patrick henry,  I am against the ideas of patrick henry since, he says we should battle against the british to stop all the injustie, but why fight?, we should find other ways, to solve this problems, war will leave so maany deaths and problems for both sides while negociations would help both, Henry says british are regrouping units in America, but that is not enough proof thath they will start war with us, We should organize and  mantain calm do pacific protests against the british andtry to get representation if we organize ourselves we could win a battle, not a battlee fought with with weapons, but a battle fought with our minds, Henry says "give me liberty, or give me death," but i say what y say what liberty, we already have it, yes we have the liberty of taking our own desicions wich at the end is better than death, die if thats what you want but we will have liberty, without war, we will have liberty without death and most importsnt we will have liberty for sure!!!

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Patrick Henry Questions:
1. What is your impression of Patrick Henry?In my opinion Patrick Henry was one of the most important and best orators in the American Revolution.
2. If you were an American colonist, would Henry´s speech sway you to join the revolutionaries? Why or why not?He would had totally made me join the revolutionaries because he has very convincing arguments that make me think on what is better for my future.
3. Henry Implies that death is preferable to a life without liberty. Do you agree?
                   I agree with him because life without liberty is a life of suffering and sadness.
4. How does Henry say that he judges the future?                 
                   By first judging the past.

5. What does Henry say is the reason for the British military buildup in America? What course of action must the colonists take?Henry says that all that army is meant for them, to bind and rivet upon the chains British ministry have been so long forging. And calls all colonists to fight, fight for the liberty they deserve.
6. What does Henry say "the next gale that sweeps from the north" will bring?                  
                    To our ears the clash of resounding arms!

7. Why do you think Henry begins by stating his opinions of the previous speakers?To tell the present people about how other speakers al talk about the subject, but only in different lights.
8. Why does Henry believe that compromise with the British that compromise with the British is not a workable solution?Because they would not really win anything is the made a compromise with the British.
9. How does Henry answer the objection that the colonists are not ready to fight?By telling him, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery"
10. To what does Henry compare the colonist´s the situation?                  
                    It compares it to death

11. What occasion or situation might prompt a states man to deliver such a formal, dramatic speech today?One of the most recent and situation that might convince a statesman to give a speech such as Henry´s, would be the corruption that is now present in almost al the world and that affects us day by day.